Une nouvelle revue consacrée à la Philologie numérique : Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures

Une nouvelle revue consacrée à la Philologie numérique vient de naître. Fondée par  les romanistes Stephen G. Nicols (tenant historique de la « Nouvelle Philologie »1) et Nadia R. Altschul, Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures paraîtra deux fois par an aux presses de l’Université John Hopkins (Baltimore, Maryland). Chaque année, un des deux numéros se construira autour d’une thématique précise, tandis que l’autre sera ouvert aux candidatures. Voici l’appel à contribution pour les numéros « ouverts » de 2012 et 2013.

Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures

Call for Submissions

Digital Philology is a new peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of medieval vernacular texts and cultures. Founded by Stephen G. Nichols and Nadia R. Altschul, the journal aims to foster scholarship that crosses disciplines upsetting traditional fields of study, national boundaries, and periodizations. Digital Philology also encourages both applied and theoretical research that engages with the digital humanities and shows why and how digital resources require new questions, new approaches, and yield radical results.

Digital Philology will have two issues per year, published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. One of the issues will be open to all submissions, while the other one will be guest-edited and revolve around a thematic axis.

Contributions may take the form of a scholarly essay or focus on the study of a particular manuscript. Articles must be written in English, follow the 3rd edition (2008) of the MLA style manual, and be between 5,000 and 9,000 words in length, including footnotes and list of works cited. Quotations in the main text in languages other than English should appear along with their English translation.

Digital Philology welcomes submissions for the 2012 and 2013 open issues. Inquiries and submissions (as a Word document attachment) should be sent to dph|a|jhu.edu, addressed to the Editor (Albert Lloret) and Managing Editor (Jeanette Patterson). Digital Philology will also publish reviews of books and digital projects. Correspondence regarding digital projects and publications for review may be addressed to Timothy Stinson at  tlstinson|a|gmail.com.

Editorial Board

Tracy Adams (Auckland University)

Benjamin Albritton (Stanford University)

Nadia R. Altschul (Johns Hopkins University)

R. Howard Bloch (Yale University)

Kevin Brownlee (University of Pennsylvania)

Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet (Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV)

Suzanne Conklin Akbari (University of Toronto)

Lucie Dolezalova (Charles University, Prague)

Alexandra Gillespie (University of Toronto)

Jeffrey Hamburger (Harvard University)

Daniel Heller-Roazen (Princeton University)

Sharon Kinoshita (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Joachim Küpper (Freie University of Berlin)

Deborah McGrady (University of Virginia)

Christine McWebb (University of Waterloo)

Stephen G. Nichols (Johns Hopkins University)

Timothy Stinson (North Carolina State University)

Lori Walters (Florida State University)

Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures

Call for Submissions

Digital Philology is a new peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of medieval vernacular texts and cultures. Founded by Stephen G. Nichols and Nadia R. Altschul, the journal aims to foster scholarship that crosses disciplines upsetting traditional fields of study, national boundaries, and periodizations. Digital Philology also encourages both applied and theoretical research that engages with the digital humanities and shows why and how digital resources require new questions, new approaches, and yield radical results.

Digital Philology will have two issues per year, published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. One of the issues will be open to all submissions, while the other one will be guest-edited and revolve around a thematic axis.

Contributions may take the form of a scholarly essay or focus on the study of a particular manuscript. Articles must be written in English, follow the 3rd edition (2008) of the MLA style manual, and be between 5,000 and 9,000 words in length, including footnotes and list of works cited. Quotations in the main text in languages other than English should appear along with their English translation.

Digital Philology welcomes submissions for the 2012 and 2013 open issues. Inquiries and submissions (as a Word document attachment) should be sent to dph@jhu.edu, addressed to the Editor (Albert Lloret) and Managing Editor (Jeanette Patterson). Digital Philology will also publish reviews of books and digital projects. Correspondence regarding digital projects and publications for review may be addressed to Timothy Stinson at tlstinson@gmail.com.

Editorial Board

Tracy Adams (Auckland University)

Benjamin Albritton (Stanford University)

Nadia R. Altschul (Johns Hopkins University)

R. Howard Bloch (Yale University)

Kevin Brownlee (University of Pennsylvania)

Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet (Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV)

Suzanne Conklin Akbari (University of Toronto)

Lucie Dolezalova (Charles University, Prague)

Alexandra Gillespie (University of Toronto)

Jeffrey Hamburger (Harvard University)

Daniel Heller-Roazen (Princeton University)

Sharon Kinoshita (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Joachim Küpper (Freie University of Berlin)

Deborah McGrady (University of Virginia)

Christine McWebb (University of Waterloo)

Stephen G. Nichols (Johns Hopkins University)

Timothy Stinson (North Carolina State University)

Lori Walters (Florida State University)

  1. Voir notamment Stephen G. Nichols, « Introduction: Philology in a Manuscript Culture », Speculum, 65-1 (Jan. 1990), p. 1-10. []

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jean-Baptiste Camps (14 avril 2011). Une nouvelle revue consacrée à la Philologie numérique : Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures. Sacré Gr@@l. Consulté le 9 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/p420

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